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Seattle Connections

About the Seattle Connections

Seattle, known as the Emerald City, is a vibrant and energetic metropolis nestled between the Puget Sound and the Cascade Mountain Range. Many refugees, immigrants, and international students find a temporary or permanent home here in the Seattle area. We have refugees from different parts of the world, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, Congo, and Syria. We are currently focusing our efforts on working with Syrian refugee families placed throughout Seattle and the surrounding cities. In addition, we have a large number of immigrants and international students, making cities like Federal Way, Kent, and Renton some of the most diverse cities in the country. Our mission is to obey our Lord and Savior to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20). With over 130 different languages spoken in our region, we don’t have to look very far to go to all nations.

If you would like to get involved with the Seattle Connections or find out more about us, please contact Jonathan Lee!

Leadership Team

  • Director/Refugee Ministry: Jonathan Lee (Connections Church)
  • Ministry Strategist: Dan Panter (McKenzie Road Baptist Church)
  • Immigrant Ministry: Matthew Park (Leaven Church)


  • Puget Sound Baptist Association
  • Olympic Baptist Association
  • Rock of Hope Baptist Church
  • Leaven Church
  • Connections Church
  • Seattle Send City Missionary – Dave Elliff
  • Roots Community Church
  • Immigrant Women’s Community Center


April 12th 2:00pm

hosted by the Rock of Hope Baptist Church
7812 224
th SW, Edmonds, WA 98026

Share the Gospel, Fellowship, and Network!

This event is aimed at connecting Arabic-speaking families with believers who want to build relationships and trust with the refugee community.

There will be a bouncy house, carnival games (face painting, balloon arts, etc.), soccer, volleyball, food, and more.